
Helicopter Training :: Prices

Approximate costings for Private Pilots Licence (Helicopters)
(Training carried out in our Robinson R44 Raven ll aircraft)
45 Hours training at £450 per hour (not all payable at once) £20250.00
General Flight Test £200.00
Technical Ground Subjects (no VAT) £450.00
Navigation Equipment £75.00
Subtotal £20975.00
VAT @ 20% (no VAT on written notes) £4105.00
Approximate additional payments
Civil Aviation Authority (licence issue) £160.00
Medical by approved Doctor £160.00

We can often include your friends and family in the briefing.

Trips for groups of two or more people can be arranged by charter.

Trial Flights and Trial Lessons::Prices

£300 incl vat for 20 mins

£450 incl vat for 30 mins

£650 incl vat for 60mins 

To book your Trial Flight & Voucher, call 01208 850543